What Self Esteem Is and Is Not

I could paraphrase and plagiarize the article I just read, but it doesn’t bear re-writing.  It is perfect as it is and I think it’s an extremely important article.  Dr. Nathaniel Branden has given us the real definition of self esteem right here:

What Self Esteem Is and Is Not

Dr. Branden clearly states what I’ve been ranting about for years, that the “self-esteem movement” is not about self-esteem.  It’s about self indulgence, and entitlement.  It’s about teaching our children to be self-indulgent and feel entitled.  It’s bloody dangerous and we have at least two generations who have been exposed to the pop-psychology “self-help” tripe of the self-esteem movement.

I encourage you to read the article.  It may be tough going for some, but it’s well worth the read.  It’s a little dry, but it’s quite clear and to the point.