Narcissists Aren’t Bad People, They’re Damaged People

Did you read the title of this post?  That’s essential to know, because most N people aren’t “bad.”  They’re not “evil” even though I’ve heard them described as such.  Shoot, I’ve described them as such.

The truth is that they are mentally/emotionally damaged.  They usually also believe themselves NOT to have hidden insecurities.  Because they believe this about themselves, it could logically follow (if you’re crazy) that they are not insecure.  They are.  NPD usually arises because one or both parents were N people.  An N has the emotional capacity of a child that is approximately 6-7 years old.  That’s the age when it’s traditionally been determined that children reach the age of reason.

It’s also the age when life is truly “all about me.”  Prior to that age children are selfish and act simply for self-fulfillment because they don’t know better.  There appears to be an emotional shift around age 6 – 7 when a child begins to understand that life is not all about him/her.  They begin to understand that they aren’t the center of the universe and their behavior will reflect this understanding.

N people stay in that 6-7 year old stasis, usually through the actions of a primary adult care-giver who is an N.  Many times it’s a protective measure since making life all about themselves allows them to build the walls necessary to withstand the regular emotional (and sometimes physical assaults) perpetrated upon them by their N adult caregiver.

I was raised by an N parent.  Luckily, my other parent was not an N and spent enough time with me to provide me equilibrium within the chaos.   Having been raised by an N parent, you’d think that I would recognize N behavior before it enters my life.  Not so, and not so with just about everyone who allows an N into their lives.

Who willingly allows an N into their lives?  A LOT of happy, emotionally healthy and un-damaged people.  N people are very good at masks.  They live within walls of their own construction, and those walls have been constructed at an early age as a coping mechanism.  They’ve been living within those walls for so long that they don’t know the walls exist and, for the most part, when confronted with the existence of those walls, they will deny they exist.

An N person lives most of their lives in denial about behaviors.  They don’t feel.  They do have feelings, but their feelings have been stuffed down in the denial cave for so long that they’ve forgotten they have them.  They’ve spent so much of their pre-adult lives defending against assault.

Think about this:  An N is usually the product of an N.  If what the N has been taught about appropriate behavior comes from another N how are they going to act?  There is no reason for them to believe that how they treat others is wrong because it’s been so deeply ingrained in them that it is right.

N’s are always right.  Don’t forget that statement.  I may have time to come back around to it in this post.

So why does it appear that an N person can love?  Here’s why:  They need to love, but they need to love a reflection.  They are seeking that which they know is true about themselves.  Normal, sane people know that what an N believes to be true about him or herself isn’t real, isn’t true, and is more likely to be a reflection of the N parent’s projection of self on the N child.

So an N has a driving urge to find a mirror.  A mirror doesn’t reflect who we are, it simply gives us a superficial image.  So an N will initially choose someone who they believe holds up a mirror for them to look in.  When they don’t have someone who will hold this mirror for them, and hold it steady, they begin a cycle of destruction.

First, they are charming, usually above-average in looks, and appear to be above-average in intelligence. They will at time “test” their chosen victim by making self-deprecating remarks such as:  “Oh, I wish I had YOUR brain power – I’m just not that smart.”  When you hear something like this, beware.  Don’t be on edge, because that can also be a normal comment from a normal person.  From an N person, it’s a test.  They want you to assure them that they DO have your brain power, that they are totally smarter than you are.  It’s actually better, if you want to keep the peace, to make the statement that you’re really not that smart, and that the N is probably much smarter.   But, as a rule, you don’t know yet that you’re with an N.  Odds are you’ll shrug off a comment like this with an assenting murmur or even a bold assertion that the N is totally just as smart, if not smarter.  And then you’ll provide examples.

Ahh.  The N breathes an inner sigh of relief.  Narcissistic supply met.  You passed a test.  The more you compliment them, the more they appear to like you.  Don’t be fooled.  They are not liking you – they are liking the reflection they receive of their belief about themselves. 

N’s can, at first, appear to be very caring, nurturing, empathy-driven, gentle and compassionate.  They are dangerously charming, usually appear “well-bred,” polite and considerate.  They truly believe they are all these things.  The contradiction here is that while a normal person can believe that all these things are true about themselves, they also know they are not always thus. They recognize flaws within themselves.  They are balanced.

N people are not balanced.  An N will start off appearing to share your feelings, to FEEL your feelings, feel your pain, reciprocate your generosity and in general display all those characteristics you want so badly in another person.  They do this not because they are truly feeling this way,  because they are incapable of empathy, but because they are feeding off YOU.  YOU are their mirror and having a mirror to look in is the only thing that tells them whether they are truly what they believe themselves to be.

One problem with this is that it’s all superficial.  This is the halcyon or honeymoon stage of the relationship and it can last as long as you want it to last.  Just dumb yourself down, don’t ever dare to prove you know more about something than an N does, don’t ever dare to utter words that might be misconstrued as even the slightest criticism, do everything the N tells you to do (and this will be an incredible tightrope walk on your part), allow them to act as they please, sublimate your self to their need for narcissistic supply, and you’ll do just fine in a relationship with an N.  Really.  You’ll be so very happy.

Okay, if you’re normal, you’ll be miserable.  You’ll know after the first time you realize (and mention) that the N has done something that hurts your feelings or disappoints you, that you are to blame for being hurt and disappointed, that the N had nothing to do with it, and that you are an unfeeling, insensitive and out-and-out wrong person for feeling this way.  You’ll know this because the N will tell you.

You see, an N has no personal accountability.  They admit doing no wrong; they admit to no flaws; they cannot allow themselves to believe that they are not perfect.  Thus begins the devaluation of you.  Remember, you are nothing more than a reflection of the N, and if the N isn’t seeing what he or she expects and wants to see, in the mirror that is you, they will swing into manipulation and control mode.  They may start subtly, so subtly that you actually believe that you were wrong, that your feelings were not valid and then you’ll castigate yourself for being so insensitive as to  point out something to your N that you were hurt by something he or she did. You may even apologize emphatically for having felt your own feelings. You’ll feel this way because N people are usually very adept with words.  At first.

N people use many methods to punish their mirrors.  In my experience, withdrawal (punishment –  you are banished from my magnificent presence!) was the first method.  When I didn’t obey, passive-aggressive bullying came next.  When that didn’t work and I called him on it, direct manipulation and control measures were taken to communicate to me that I was worthless.  I was told what I would do, how I would do it, and for how long I would do it.  It was the equivalent of standing a 6-year-old in the corner for bad behavior – and it was so like that because an N doesn’t know how to act, emotionally, beyond that level.

Do not ever forget that you are nothing more than an object to an N person.  You are a mirror.  You are an object.  If the N doesn’t like what he or she sees, the mirror becomes trash.  Do not forget that.

Narcissists can’t’ love.  They don’t know how.  They have no idea what that feels like because they’ve never felt it. They have an idea in their heads regarding what love is, but you will never hear them tell you they love you and if you tell them you love them, prepare for the worst.  The N will compliment you rarely, but when he/she does, you can be certain there’s a direct benefit to themselves in doing so.  Nothing is altruistic with an N.   N’s gauge their self-importance, many times, by the company they keep.  They get most of their information from the company they keep because that company is a mirror.  I provided a “brag point” for my N.  He could tell others he’d met a really creative and well-known artist who was featured in the local paper.  This gives him a certain level of status that he may have been missing.  The truth is that I’m NOT a well-known artist and that I was featured in the local paper purely because one of my pieces was photographed by a reporter who was doing a story on a gallery, not a story on me.  N’s exaggerate and lie with the same ease that you and I change clothes.

The N will now begin to be hyper vigilant with regard to everything you do and say.  They will listen and if you communicate with them in email (don’t – ever!) they will read, with the primary intent being to find fault with what you are saying.  They will be reading and listening, not to actually hear what you are saying, but to find something, anything, that they can construe,  in their own damaged minds, as an insult, a criticism or a “damning analysis of their character.”   (that’s in quotes because it’s a direct quote from a reply I received from an N after I’d told him that I was hurt because it appeared he’d created a boundary that didn’t apply to him, only to me.)  N people will trample boundaries like a herd of elephants on rampage.

Once the N has found what he or she wants in your words or writing they will pounce on it and wield it like a blunt object.  They will beat you with it over and over.  You will find yourself confused, then hurt, and then angry as hell.  How could this person, who was so wonderful, who you thought was perfect for you, blithely ignore everything else you’d said and zero in only on the few words he or she found that could be spun to reflect an insult???  They can do it because they’re damaged.  They’re narcissistic.  They can’t tolerate any appearance in their mirror that there might be some implied criticism of themselves.  They cannot handle that their mirror (don’t forget – you are an object) is now reflecting something less than marvelous about them.

So what do they do?  First they may withdraw.  Remember, this is all punishment.  It has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with their perception that you  may not be the right mirror.  They’ve objectified you, and you aren’t meeting their standards for a perfect mirror.  Don’t ever forget that this is not your fault.  Once they determine you’ve been punished long enough, they will re-enter your life, lightly and oh-so-gently, probably with something that seems like wit and humor.  N’s don’t have a sense of humor unless it’s strongly laced with criticism of you, sarcasm, and their “humor” can be used to hurt.  Then they start to bully.  They attempt to force their mirror into submission.  They go from subtle manipulation to clear and present overt manipulation and control.  They will threaten you:  “If you want this from me, you will behave in the way I dictate.”  With an N, you must obey, otherwise you are no good to them.

What happens if you don’t obey?  They discard you.  Here’s the cycle, and it’s very simple, while being so immensely complex as to cause enormous damage to you:

Charm the victim into a feeling of security.

Devalue the victim as often as possible when it appears the victim is critical.

Discard the victim if they refuse to conform to or obey the N’s dictates.

Once you are discarded (and it may take a while before you realize you’ve been discarded) the N no longer has any use for you.  They will become cold and distant.  You are no longer worthy of being a part of their lives because you don’t reflect correctly.  Think about it.  Would you keep a mirror that makes you look worse than you believe yourself to look?  Would you continue to look in a mirror that tells you that you are ugly when you absolutely know that you are the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen?  My guess is that you’d head out to the trashcan immediately and dump the mirror in it.

Does any of this mean an N is a bad person?  No.  It means they act like bad people.  They act this way because they know no other way.  It’s what has “worked” for them all their lives – only – it hasn’t worked.  You’ll be able to see, once discarded, that the life of an N is rife with unstable relationships where the N has never held him or herself accountable for their culpability in the demise of the relationship.  Many people have lives rife with unstable relationships, but normal people understand their own contributions to that demise.  N’s don’t understand this and never will.  It’s always someone else’s fault.

Getting an N into therapy is next to impossible.  Don’t waste your energy.  Don’t be friends with an N – simply be friendly.  There’s a distinct difference.  If an N discards you and you realize you’ve been discarded, don’t attempt to re-enter their lives.  Don’t give in to threats and demands.  I was recently discarded by an N who sent me an email that left a “window” open – not for me, but for him.  He told me that I would send him an email (control) and that email would say one thing (manipulation) and after a period of time (punishment), we might be able to resume contact (open window for him) if my anger had cooled (bad mirror, you need to be punished!)

In no fashion did he accept any responsibility for what happened.  None.  It was all my fault.  I was critical, I insulted him and I perpetrated a “damning analysis of his character.”  The worst thing I did?  I evinced (according to him) a dissatisfaction with him.

Normal people will understand that people become dissatisfied and will sometimes articulate that dissatisfaction.  Normal people will understand this is something that needs discussion and resolution, not bullying, control, manipulation and punishment.

Rarely will you encounter an N who has been professionally diagnosed.  I think my N was, based on the lengthy divorce proceedings, the number of psychiatrists that were called in to evaluate both parents, the fact that both parents were court-ordered to intensive parenting classes, and the public court records show him requesting that certain evidence from psychiatrists be struck from the record.

Naturally, he would never tell me of this diagnosis because he does not believe it to be true of himself.  It’s all there, though.  I just didn’t see it in time.

N’s don’t like to live without their mirror.  Once they discard one (and I’m thinking that my N married an N who had other issues and perhaps turned on him within the first year of marriage.) they will immediately start a search for another mirror.  When that mirror proves unsatisfactory, they may stay with that mirror but continue looking, so they don’t have to be alone.  N’s have a terrible time being alone with themselves.  I think my N stayed married for 10 years because his spouse enabled him to feel superior, not through complimentary behavior, but by being herself, and showing behavior that was so much crazier than his that he received his narcissistic supply through watching her.  He kept having children with her, and they now have several damaged children.

Three months after his separation, (he left) he was engaged in a full-on relationship with a woman he met on a dating site.  He was “with” her for 6 years.  The entire time he was with her – for six years – and he still says he was just “dating” her even though he practically lived at her house, he had more than one online profile open and was trolling.

Five months out of his relationship with her (he says he ended it, but I doubt it), he found me.  Luckily for me, it only took me 3 months to see what this man is.  I dodged a hollow-point, and if you know anything about what hollow-points do to you once they enter your body, you’ll get the metaphor.

I refused to become sexually involved with this man. I am so very glad for that one piece of good judgment on my part.  He was very open that he was “trying to bring many people” into his life so he could “take his time” in finding a mate and not repeat his “pattern” of instant relationships.  I bought that line.  I thought it was a great idea, and so I told him I was dating other men.  Bad thing to do. Nope – don’t ever tell an N you’re dating other people.  They own you, regardless the “rules.”  Remember, with an N, the rules only apply to you, not them.  Most of the rules will be unspoken and you’ll figure them out once you’ve been discarded.  You’re trash, you know.  You’re a crumpled up piece of paper, casually tossed toward the wastebasket.  Let’s hope the N has good aim and you actually land in the wastebasket, otherwise the cycle will keep repeating itself as he or she sees the piece of paper, opens it up, smooths it out, and begins to craft new ways to lure you back inside his or her realm of influence.

34 thoughts on “Narcissists Aren’t Bad People, They’re Damaged People

  1. Your description of those with Narcissistic Personality Disorder is spot on. I wrote about NPD in my “Close Encounter with a Narcissist” series on my blog. Although I “got it” intellectually, it still took quite some time to really understand the damage done. A natural disaster is not inherently “bad” either, but the damage left in its wake can be devastating. Unfortunately, many Ns are like forces of nature who swoop down on the unsuspecting who are left picking up the pieces of their lives and wondering, “Why did it have to happen to me?”

    • I hope I can get in on this blog. I think I may be able to top the horrors of being involved with an N. She recently posted a description of the characteristics of a narcissist from an article about N’s on her FB account (which is mostly a subtle message to me as we had an encounter earlier that evening). Ugh. So I learned to NOT ever go to her FB site. I went there because I have a shred of care for her and how she is doing – she looked awful (bad grooming and general tending to her appearance). But she continues to be a walking contradiction. Anyone else ever experience this?

  2. alwaysjan :

    Your description of those with Narcissistic Personality Disorder is spot on. I wrote about NPD in my “Close Encounter with a Narcissist” series on my blog. Although I “got it” intellectually, it still took quite some time to really understand the damage done. A natural disaster is not inherently “bad” either, but the damage left in its wake can be devastating. Unfortunately, many Ns are like forces of nature who swoop down on the unsuspecting who are left picking up the pieces of their lives and wondering, “Why did it have to happen to me?”

    I’m going to write a post on recovery from being in a relationship with an NPD. You stated it well. We are left picking up the pieces of our lives, and it can take a long time for us to get the illusion (the man who wasn’t) out of our heads. There are a lot of “if only” moments. There are a lot of moments where I go back and read some email exchanges and recognize what he found “offensive” and I think “why did I put that in there?” I did it because it was the truth, and truth is not what an N wants to see in their mirror. They want that reflection to be totally consistent with their beliefs about themselves.

    Ns are totally forces of nature. They DO “swoop” and that’s exactly what it feels like. They’re velociraptors who are always circling for their next narcissistic supply and if they have a victim, they will toy with that victim until there is nothing left but a stripped carcass and then just dump it someplace on the hunt for the next victim.

  3. It’s been four years since my encounter with the N, who was a friend, but acted in a very flirtatious manner. I think for two years, I did question what I’d done or said that set the D&D in motion. Knowing what I know now, it was inevitable from Day 1. It’s not about you – it’s always about THEM. I can now laugh at the ridiculous things he said, but at the time, it was all very mind numbing. I DID make several good friends via the internet who became my friends in real life. For that I am grateful.

  4. You know, in some ways I’m grateful to my N. I learned a LOT about how to spot the signs before I ever become involved with one again. I doubt he’d understand that gratitude, though.

    He’s a classic N. I broke it off with him weeks before he ceased his soul-numbing diatribes to me. His second-to-the-last email was an attempt to destroy me and claim status as being the one who did the “dumping.” He totally ignored the email where I said: “I don’t want to see you anymore. I do not think you value me.” That was greeted with a dissertation on why my feelings weren’t valid, and a valiant attempt to blame me for causing him discomfort, as well as a thinly disguised open window for him, that said: “I do not have romantic feelings for you at this time.” Huh? “at this time?” So…what, if I’m a good girl and obey, he’ll have romantic feelings for me at some future time? Snort. . Then he said he “needed time.” I replied that he should take all the time he needed. Oh, wrong answer. His last email was the one that included all kinds of emotional weaponry, weaponry he’d gathered from encouraging me to “share my emotions” with him, which I did, without realizing at the time, that he was sharing nothing with me.

    He will never see his disorder because he IS his disorder. There are plenty of mirrors. If it weren’t so sad, this next part would be amusing. He is on the same dating site I’m on, and he joined it the very evening I mentioned it to him – AFTER I left his house. I go online once a day to check mail, at different times of the day – whenever I have time – and he’s ALWAYS there. He’s still trolling for mirrors. He also never visits my profile. And what I didn’t take not of at the time, was that when we first met, on a different dating site, he never visited my profile after his initial email to me. I was already a “nothing.”

    It’s not our fault. Unfortunately, we are the ones left picking up the pieces of our lives and hearts.

    I can re-read my N’s emails now and laugh. I’m not healed, though – I have a ways to go. It’s only been a month since the mask slipped and the tyrant showed up. I’m still doing deep breathing exercises. 🙂

  5. I find the description about children at age 6-7 begin[ning] to understand that life is not all about him/her fascinating 🙂
    That is the first time transiting Saturn squares the natal Saturn…..

    The SATURN Cycles

    Age 0 – 6/7. [1/4 SATURN cycle]

    At birth the human child is totally dependent on its mother, its parents and others in its immediate environment. At this age a human child cannot survive by itself. It will be at least 3 or 4 years after birth before the very smartest of children could survive by itself. This SATURN cycle is when all the basic survival skills and ethics should be taught to the offspring. ETHICS are different than MORALS.

    Age 7 – 13/14. [1/2 SATURN cycle]

    The child begins to really socialize during this SATURN cycle. Children also start to break away from the tight control of their parents. Most kids gain some independence and a few could survive by themselves well . The later part of this cycle is when a real sex education should begin, actually the earlier the better. The huge number of Teenage Pregnancies in the United States is utterly ridiculous and a social travesty.

    Age 14 – 20/21. [3/4 SATURN cycle]

    HORMONES! Puberty is the beginning of this SATURN cycle. The child normally grows to full adult size during this period and has to adjust to all the hormonal changes its body is going through including the possibility of becoming a parent. Learning social skills and mental development is what Mother Nature has in mind for this time frame.

    Unfortunately most adult humans are forever stuck at this age of development, both socially and intellectually; the proof of this assertion being the current worldwide social structure which is pretty much based on a Junior High School mentality, i.e. Insecure and possessive relationships dominated by a clique values.

    Age 21 – 28/29. [1st Full SATURN cycle]

    Near the end of this SATURN cycle a human being finally becomes a psychological adult, i.e. breaks away from its parents’ influences and really understands responsibility and begins its own life; a period when most people should begin their careers after an apprenticeship period. But instead many human beings are starting a family while they themselves are still too young to be responsible enough. It’s really hard for any person to know who they really are until this cycle is over. The keyword is experience and it has many advantages.

  6. Wow, Z. That’s totally fascinating. That first Saturn cycle has a LOT to do with the formation of an N. If you take a look at my N’s chart (I think you have the data) you’ll see what I didn’t see until it was too late. It’s all there. I should post the chart to LindaLand so those folks can get a look at what kind of chart an N will have. It’s not accidental, you know.

    I had a psychiatrist who is also a professional astrologer (tell you about it later) look at the chart after all the crap went down. She uses astrology as part of her decided course of therapy if a patient agrees to it. You and I both know that’s a really good collaboration. She looked at the N’s chart – I’d not given her any information other than his chart and mine and asked for her assessment of a relationship between the two. Her reply came yesterday – a bit late for me, but it served to cement my assessment.

    “What relationship? This other chart shows someone incapable of having an intimate relationship; it shows someone totally out of touch with his feelings, someone arrogant, but in a passive and charming fashion. I don’t know what your relationship is to this person, but my advice to you is to run. He appears stable, self-sacrificing, noble, compassionate,and extremely charming. That’s his appearance. He’s hiding some really bad stuff, though, and he hurts every human being who attempts to get close to him. This is a terribly destructive personality.”

    Then, her curiosity got the better of her and she emailed me:

    “This one is on me – I’m curious, so I’m not charging for this. Did this man reel you in against your better judgment? I’m asking because in reading his chart, he fits all the DSM-IV criteria for a specific personality disorder.”

    I replied to her in the affirmative and then she asked me if I’d been in a relationship with him. I confirmed that and her reply was: “Oh my god. I’m so sorry I didn’t get to this before now. You emailed me with it two months ago, and between my own illnesses and my husband’s neither of us has had much time to attend to our practices. If you aren’t familiar with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, I can link you to several forums where you can get the help you need to get away from him, or if you’re away, then to start your recovery process. Please keep in touch with me and let me know how you’re doing.”

    She’d emailed me shortly after she received the chart and told me she might not get to it for awhile and offered to refund my money. I told her no – to just do it when she could get to it. It was worth it.

  7. This is a fabulous book on those Saturn cycles, Miss Pance 🙂 >

    The interps I copied in above are from here:

    I wish I could have seen the correlations in your N’s chart when I first looked at it, like your astrologer-friend did, but I’ve had little experience with NPD – the Mars-Uranus was what concerned me in the beginning….. :-\

  8. Pingback: The rabbit hole of control | Spread Information

  9. Pingback: The rabbit hole of control | Madeline Scribes

  10. At age 60 I concluded that my 85 yr old always weird mother was a N. It’s been 2 yrs and I am still devastated. I am bipolar (which she never cared about) and cannot have contact with her. This is a movie… I can’t figure out where she “caught” the N bug, since I recall my grandparents as very nice people. My father was bipolar and gave her a horrible life, but she was a good, excellent “mechanical” mother, without giving any affection. Now that she played her final act in a manner that displays her selfishness toward my husband and I, I am torn. Should I feel hurt for her betrayals of 6 decades, or should I concern myself about my recovery, preventing bipolar setbacks that end in suicidal ideation?. She moved to another continent once she realized I could not offer what she stubbornly wished. My doctors advise to have N C with her or my brother, who exhibits a very strange personality, and who married a N himself. I need to know if my mother had malice when she acted against my safety as a child, if she had planned her final move as it seems she had, if she really doesn’t love me, as it is evident to all involved. I still defend her, believing that something horrible must have happened as a child, but it’s hard to understand that for my health I should abandon my own mother. Very confusing. 😦

  11. I was in a relationship for 4 years. I truly thought he had Border Line Personality disorder and still do, but this N description is very eerily familiar. Guess there are lots of crossovers in these disorders. It’s been almost a year now and am still healing from this hell.

  12. Calling someone a narcissist is just a way to victimize yourself. All the comments on this thread are from people making excuses (save for the person who said he learned how to spot the signals of a narcissist). Even the writer of the blog post blames everything on the narcissist. Let’s stop blaming others and categorizing their personality flaws, and instead take accountability for our actions, and for the people we let into our lives. Only YOU are accountable for what went wrong in a relationship. Blaming someone else just makes you sound like you’re the one with the pathology.

    • Thanks Margot A. You must be right. I was an idiot, and it’s all my fault I let my father and sister into my life.

  13. Oh my gosh! I work for two narcissists, and everything you’ve said has been true of these relationships. Thank you so much for putting words to what I have been experiencing!

  14. I Agree with Margot A to a point. Just because we indeed were involved with a narcissist, does not mean that we did not also contribute to the problems of the relationship. However, part of that comes from not understanding narcissism. Behind the narcissism there is a person there.

  15. Are all Ns a result of being raised by Ns? I dated someone who did ALL of what you described above …I felt she was an N or Sociopath….BUT she and her siblings were neglected by their month who left them alone when she was about 6-7…the father wasn’t in their life so their grandmother raised them strict Pentecostal church kids. She said her grandmother was so mean and always told her she was going to be a drug addict sorry B just like her mother. So my question again does N only come from being raised by Ns or can it be a result of neglect from a mother when your a child??

  16. Corrections: Are all Ns a result of being raised by Ns? I dated someone who did ALL of what you described above …I felt she was an N or Sociopath….BUT she and her siblings were neglected by their mother who left them alone at home one day and never came back when she was about 6-7…the father wasn’t in their life so their grandmother raised them strict Pentecostal church kids. She said her grandmother was so mean and always told her she was going to be a drug addict sorry B just like her mother. So my question…does Narcs only come from being raised by Ns or can it be a result of neglect from a mother when you’re a child??

  17. Corrections: Are all Ns a result of being raised by Ns? I dated someone who did ALL of what you described above …I felt she was an N or Sociopath….BUT she and her siblings were neglected by their mother who left them alone at home one day and never came back when she was about 6-7…the father wasn’t in their life so their grandmother raised them strict Pentecostal church kids. She said her grandmother was so mean and always told her she was going to be a drug addict sorry B just like her mother. So my question…does Narcs only come from being raised by Ns or can it be a result of neglect from a mother when you’re a child??

  18. This is the best description of narcissistic personality disorder that I have read. It think that the label narcissistic personality disorder is inappropriate for the so called narcissist and their victims. I believe a more helpful diagnosis could be something like; wisely defensive personality traits carried through to adulthood. Such a type of label would be more helpful to the sufferer and their victims in understanding what has happened to them. Through understanding comes acceptance and hopefully change and then forgiveness.

  19. Pingback: How to kill a narcissist - A Time To Connect

  20. Please tell me that they are capable of love. My boyfriend can be the sweetest man I have meet although he does also have bipolar which causes conflicts with him with depression but unlike my ex husband he never puts me down he always says he is not trying to take things out on me because it’s not my fault he was diagnosed recently with narcissist and bipolar I will admit I am worried mostly because what I had been through but he doesn’t do those things to me help confused

  21. Pingback: How to kill a narcissist Original Version - A Time To Connect

  22. margot -u r a piece of shit-narcissists trick you by bring charming and this can be for numbers of years -and you fall in love with the person-its hard to let go-only found out what a narcassist was a year after i left her when my counsellor told me my ex was a narcissist….so margot f … yourself

  23. Golly. You described the man i was just involved with. Im still traumatized by the reality that he isn’t real. It was a mask. All the lies he told and pretended he was the victim. He lied about his marital status but is still married. Painted a picture of a poor single man damaged by his past. He is danaged and defective no doubt. I have not met a more immoral and defective man for a long while. I hope karma is fair and looks after all the emotional damage done to me by him.

  24. What counts as a bad person then?
    Please enlighten me on this. Are people only “bad” when they commit cold blooded murder?

    If a grown adult has nothing to offer the world but suffering from their presence than what smartones QUALIFIES as a bad person?

    I’m sorry but you can love bad people without denying that they are in definition A BAD PERSON.

    Stop trying to save the narcissists images your only feeding the unhealthy egos and trying make yourselves feel less shame for having empathy for people who have non.

    Love them at a distance and leave out the pity.

  25. They are evil. They don’t own their flaws and insecurities.. Instead they project their flaws into the unwitting target that fell in love with their false self, thus damaging the betrayed significant (non significant in their eyes) other. Along with the targets family and friends. They cause utter destruction and deserve no ‘get off label. Thankfully that is the only page that they and the victims agree to… there is No excuse or Label for such selfish behaviour. They’re domestic abusers.

  26. The thing is that the so-called narcissists are masters at defending their ego. They are warlike in the ego battle dimension. Once you understand that what they are doing is fighting psychologically to impose their superiority and dominance, all of their behavior makes sense.

    Other types of people fight or impose themselves in other ways. Either in school, in sports, in humor, etc. while the “N” will just make sure he is the king of ego, and the only way to beat him is to be a an even bigger “N”.

    Only other “narcissists” are truly ever damaged by narcissists. Other kinds of people will either buy their awesomeness or simply get fed-up with their incessant need to stay psychologically on top and will walk away.

  27. Example: you ask me why I refuse to eat dinner in front of my PC. I reply “because I’m not a pig”. And that’s it, I won. With your question you implied I was being “too clean” or “too tidy”, implicitly placing a charge on my behavior and lowering me. You might not have even realized you were doing it, because you are dumb and function mostly unconsciously on your daily life, but MY EGO noticed what you were doing immediately and that’s why I replied to you “because I’m not a pig”, implicitly calling YOU a disgusting pig, and thus lowering YOU, and beating YOU on the psychological ego-battlefield.

    This is why I say only other “Ns” are truly hurt by “Ns”. Other kinds of secure people would just reply to me “yeah yeah” or laugh at it. While you insecure girls just accept my reply and swallow it and resent it and spend all your day think about it and writing blogs about it. Lol.

  28. What I am therefore saying is that only people with extremely low self-esteem actually get damaged by the so-called narcissists. Even other “Ns” can stand other “Ns” as long as their confident individuals.

    So here’s my advice to the people complaining about the “evil” narcissists: grow some self-esteem.

  29. So basically, “narcissists” are extremely good in deflecting criticism. Not only can they deflect criticism and psychological bullying, they will also COUNTER ATTACK and BULLY YOU BACK.

    But this does not say anything about their value as individuals. You could be a jobless welfare-reliant “narcissist” loser who always manages to get the last word (or action). But you would still be objectively a jobless welfare-reliant loser. And you could also be a multi-millionaire CEO “narcissist” leader who always manages to get the last word (or action). And you would still be objectively a multi-millionaire CEO leader.

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